
I shot the Sheriff . . .

Luke stayed with Tom and I, while his Mother and sisters did some shopping Saturday. After they left, Pawpaw, Grandma and Luke went over to Grandma and Grandpa Wagoners for a short visit. While we were there he found and wanted to take home a plastic Sheriffs badge. Of course they let him. After returning home to Grandma and Grandpa's house Luke wanted to go to McDonald's. Amanda, Cassidy, Lauren and I decided to go to the movies. When we got home, Luke and Pawpaw were playing sheriff. They had stools turned on end and were shooting at each other with the new set of guns and holster they had purchased at Wal-Mart. Grandpa said you cant have a sheriffs badge without some guns ! They showed us their fancy 'quick draw' and how to die! It was so comical to watch Luke shake his hips while he and Pawpaw were counting. Grandpa started to count to 3 but Luke didn't abide by the rules. He drew his gun on one.

PawPaw counting for the 'Quick Draw' contest

Pawpaw getting ready to shoot Luke ?????

Luke after he was "shot"

Getting ready for the contest again

Luke hit the target ......and he is celebrating

And the target is down......... wait.... the target was Pawpaw?

Tom had a great time with Luke playing sheriff. For some reason Pawpaw was very tired after Luke left. Grandma, Amanda, Cassidy and Lauren had a fun time at the movies. We went to see the new Hannah Montana movie. Needless to say, the theater was packed. It is always such fun to spend time with grandkids !

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

Such sweet victory! The theatrics crack me up.

What a precious little guy (and big buy, too, no doubt).
