
Before and After

The Carport "before"

Some days..... it doesn't pay to get out of bed.

"oh bother.......it looks like another blustery day"

Stephanie and Mark are buying a different house. As far as one could tell, all was well. That is until.....the storm last night. I heard the rain and knew it was windy. Little did I know just how windy it really was. Tom said it was difficult driving home from work. Me (being the person I am) ......... I went to bed. Just like all the other times there are storms.
Tom and I were going to Stephanie's new place this morning to show Mom and Dad her new house. Upon arriving we were stunned to see the carport had been moved. We sat there in utter shock. It was no longer in the spot we knew it to have been. It was now at the back of their property ! The wind had picked it up and blown it over. What a sight that would have been to see. You can see in the first photo where it had been dragged along the ground.

The Carport "after"

Happy Winds-day!


'O Daddy O'

Dad had surgery today. He breezed through it again. He sure is a trooper.
His blood pressure was up a little before he went into surgery. We all knew why. He was hungry. He didn't get to eat his breakfast. Dad doesn't like to skip a meal ! He was so funny after it was all over with. He has to wear a bandage around his head for two days. He had things with ice on his head that looked strange hanging down over his face. When I went over to Mom and Dad's house later in the afternoon, this is what I was greeted with. My Dad wearing this contraption on his noggin. I had to laugh when I saw him. I especially love the bows on the side of his head. It is a good thing our family has a warped sense of humor. We laugh at almost everything. That brings to mind the movie 'The Lion King' when Simba laughs and says "I laugh at the sign of danger" HA HA HA.... That is our family. After all is said and done, we find the humor in the event.
We are so thankful that Dad is going to be fine. He is a tough ole bird. I love my Daddy so very much. I am so thankful to God for allowing him to still be in my life. I treasure every moment I have with both of my parents. The Lord says to Honor thy Mother and Father. I am honored to be their daughter. They have taught me so much. Now, back to my Dad. So glad he is going to be fine and up and at em once again.

I Love you Dad !


Haaaaappy Birthday Matmew!

Abby can't say Matthews name correctly. Instead of Matthew, she says Matmew. It has kind of stuck with him so far. Of course, that may have something to do with the fact she is only 2 years old.

We celebrated Matthews 1st birthday Sunday. He was so good. He didn't mind any one holding him. Whew. He sure loves his Mama. There were lots of kids there to entertain him. Of course he was the Center of Attention.

He is progressing along quite well. It was interesting to know that a year ago we didnt know how he would be at this age. But the little one is showing us all that he is going to be just fine.
Matthew age 1 with Amanda

Hey........Where is my cake?
Now that is what I am talking about....Mmmm good cake

Whys everybody always lookin at me?

Back off Babe..........this is MY cake...got it Doll?
Happy Birthday Matmew

We love you very much.


Grandma Chig

Tom's mother fell recently and fractured her pelvis. Not good for someone her age. She has been recuperating, although it has been a slow recovery. She gets therapy and is making progress. I am sure she will be so happy when this ordeal is over.

On Monday February 16 we took Cassidy, Lauren and Luke to see her. She loves seeing the young ones. Her eyes lit up when she noticed the kids were there to see her.

They all wanted to play with her wheel chair. I think they would have loved taking it
down the hallway at break neck speed !

I will not be surprised when Grandma gets better to hear that she is the social butterfly. She makes friends so easily and loves to talk.......LOL...!
Get well soon Grandma!


Let there be Love . . .

Happy Valentines Day !
Valentines Day is a day to express your love
and to celebrate the spirit of love.

Love is a very powerful emotion. Spread it around.
Fill the world-- one person at a time.

How do I love thee?
Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.
I love thee to the level of everyday's
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.
I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.
I love thee with a passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints, --- I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life! --- and, if God choose
I shall but love thee better after death
~Elizabeth Barrett Browning~

~ 1 Corinthians 13:13 says "And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.~


Check this out......

Little Missy was busy this morning.

While Grandpa and Daddy worked outside in the pounding rain, and Mommy was at the beauty shop (getting beautiful), she needed to do some work on her stroller. Seems the thing just needs a slight tune up occasionally. First you sit it on its end, and work on the wheels. Gotta make sure they spin.

Next you have to check out all the bells and whistles. Lots of noises to listen to.

Then to finish things off . . . we need a close up shot of the beautiful Little Miss Malia

~Loving a Granddaughter~
Loving a Granddaughter is a treasure and a special blessing
She is like a perfect rosebud in your garden
Sharing a love that is prized and uniquely beautiful
Celebrating a love that will forever blossom.
It is a blessing to love a Granddaughter....


There IS a Rat in the House

For some unknown reason, Tom is always insinuating that, there is a Rat in our House eating all the candy up in the cupboard. There will be a little candy left in a bag, and when he gets home it is all gone. This has happened more than once. It happens quite frequently. I have to admit that I 'do not know where the candy has gone'. T'wasn't me. I (with fingers, eyes, legs crossed) swear I don't know where the candy disappears to. Sometimes grand kids are here. Maybe I could insist it was them? Sometimes my sister stops by. Maybe I could insist it was her? It is a mystery to me where all the candy goes to. I do NOT know !!!!!!
This morning Tom had this smirky grin on his face. He stated he had caught the 'Rat' that had been eating all the candy. I was of course perplexed. He caught the Rat? But I was standing in front of him. Oops....I didn't mean to say that. I sauntered into the kitchen to investigate what he was speaking about. Hmmmmm.... there was a Rat there. Caught red handed. Whew. I am glad that problem is over. Now I can relax and enjoy the candy in the cupboard from hence forth without worrying about that Rat.


Susie Q* Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday Susie.

Saturday evening we celebrated Susie's birthday.

Susie was the guest of honor of course. Mick, Sharon, Don,Tom and I joined her for a fun celebration of her mm-mmm birthday. (You never ask a lady her age!)

Maybe a photo will help figure out that dreaded question.

Dinner on the Ninth Hole @ Bogey's!

Susie received some very nice gifts.

Some interestingly strange gifts

What is the secret Tom doesn't want Susie to hear??????

Sharon listening to Don's story......

What are the intructions for?

Tom with 'Cathy the Cow'

As always we enjoyed the evening.

Wishing Susie many many more birthdays filled with friends and family.


Lauren Rhea...Happy Birthday

Lauren's birthday was Wednesday January 28th. We had her birthday party Sunday.Yes, the Super Bowl was scheduled to be on, but that was later in the day. She is such a beauty. She has the best little personality and she is very considerate of people. Her middle name is after her wonderfully beautiful Grandma. She was so cute when she was a baby. If she could have, she would have crawled inside Grandma. I love it when they run to give ya a hug. She is a very special young lady. We love you so much Lauren.
Here she is with the dreaded 'green' tongue. We love to listen to her giggle. Please dont ask her to scream. It will make ya deaf!

Amanda and Lauren with her ice cream cake.

Miss Laurney Rhea looking at a birthday card with her image on it?

Luke giving Little Missy some instructions. I am not sure she understands him.

Love sharing time with our family. When it all comes down to the most important thing we have to give our children, it is our time. I am so thankful for my parents, who have shown me just how important family is.

Much love Lauren.
We love you so very much.
Wishing you many many more special birthdays.
Grandma and Grandpa