My sister Jane and I used to pick out the tune of songs on our tiny little piano we got for Christmas one year. We would spend hours pecking out the notes. Jane and I would sit in the back seat of the car as we were going places and sing. I would sing the melody and Jane would do the harmony. Mom and Dad never stopped us. I am sure sometimes we were very loud. There are times when Tom and I are in the car and I just can't help myself. I have to sing. I especially enjoy listening to the music of the area where I am. The sound of the island drums in Antigua, Spanish music in New Mexico, tunes from India and China. Music is an international language. I enjoy watching the musicals the schools present. I relish concerts that I can close my eyes and soak up the musical notes floating in the air. I love music. It is so uplifting and expresses the feelings we have within our hearts. I am so thankful that the Lord gave me the love of music.

The new page design is really nice.
Just found your blog. Really glad I did. Stop by when you can. Connie
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